Good news! Kirkus Indy Review is in

Poet Schober’s debut collection of rhyming witticisms serves as a paean to the joy of life. …simple, unpolished verse that’s somewhat old-fashioned at times …infectious. 

… a tongue-in-cheek philosophy… Readers shouldn’t look for serious poetry here, but there are serious themes beneath the humor. Although life has its share of sorrow and hardship, Schober chooses to accentuate the positive in this collection.

The individual poems are untitled, which works well with the format…The white space and larger print provides an easy reading experience.

The entire review was positive! – we can’t be more pleased.

EHR Schober pearl of wisdom

EHR Schober pearl of wisdom.

via EHR Schober pearl of wisdom.

I just had a conversation with EHR Schober, author of the soon to be published book of poetry: “Joys and Laments of Getting Older” .  This little pearl popped out of her mouth:

“All of it is part of it – and part of it is all of it.”

Think about it.  I’m still mulling it over.